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my everyday:)

BUENAS AMIGOS!! We have completed two full weeks of ministry in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, Guatemala! Over the next 4 weeks we will continue to partner with 2 local ministries that are amazing in … Read more about my everyday:)

handing it over

Backstory: The other day we had a fitness test. Not some pacer type you know but like a real 4 mile hike with some interesting terrain, elevation AND our large packs (only packed like 25lbs but … Read more about handing it over

TRaiNing CaMp.

Honesty: Not my favorite place to be. All in all: Needed to make sure my heart is in the right place before embarking on an 11 month journey to share the gospel! My squad arrived to Gainesville, … Read more about TRaiNing CaMp.


The countries I will one day never be a stranger to. The countries I will one day call “home”. The countries I will one day speak life over. The countries I will one day cultivate family in. The … Read more about Home(s).