
Welcome to my life, thoughts & inspiration!

When you hear words like “comfort” or “comfortable” what do you think of? Are you envisioning yourself in bed, swaddled in blankets, possibly in the arms of a loved one or is there a certain food that your mom has always prepared for you growing up that makes you feel at HOME? I know I think of every single thing listed, including words like introvert, relaxed, warmth, satisfaction, pleasure and happiness. The good thing about being comfortable is that there are usually little to no problems and if problems do arise, they are usually easy to deal with because when one becomes very comfortable, repetition occurs. For the past couple months, my life has been nothing less than comfortable. I have been doing the same thing every single day, getting up for work each morning, working my butt off all day, coming home tired. Sometimes I would switch things up when I decided to not go to the gym because I knew I would come home from the gym literally dead. When I got home, I got ready for bed, laid in bed for an hour thinking of all the things I needed to do, including making a to-do list (that I never even got to). I would wake up the next morning and guess what I would do? Same exact thing as the day before. I made little to no time for myself whatsoever. Honestly, it felt good working all the time and having the ability to show other’s how hard of a worker I am but it really did catch up to me. I felt a dark cloud approaching me but chose to ignore it for awhile. “I’ll be happy soon”, I would repeat to myself. I learned that this was not the life I wanted to live nor the plan God had for me. I went back to think of all the times I had been too comfortable and what I got out of it… nothing. 

This week I chose to step out of that bubble, the comfort zone. I remembered the exact reason I applied for The World Race. I remember feeling eager to step out and step into a whole new life for 9 months, surrounded by people I knew nothing about, searching for that comfort in a country 10,466 miles away (swaziiii) from home. I look forward to the language barriers, the hardships, the distance between loved ones, the new food that might not interest me one bit, the cold showers and the most difficult times, when I get sick (because I get sick all the time and get a cold at least once every couple months ((((: GO ME) and just want to curl up in a ball in my own bed back in Portland, Oregon. I look forward to these times the most because these are times of eye-opening experiences. I’ve learned so much more when I took a chance rather than when I sat back and lived my life how I always had, watching others from a distance. I’ve come to a realization that I can’t just sit in the same spot forever and expect results, changes and relationships to form without showing any form of communication to anybody. 

I made a bold move the other day to give up my job as a server at a sushi restaurant. I enjoyed my job, MOST of my coworkers and appreciated the money but every time I walked through the doors, I felt that cloud come over me. I really had no plan when quitting and that is very unlike me so trusting in God was the only thing I had at that moment. I woke up the next day to messages from a family I nanny for asking me to babysit a few extra days than normal along with a new family who wants to hire me Monday-Friday for a few hours a day. Being a nanny is literally my dream job so u bet I was excited. (The main reason I chose route 6 is because it’s very kid oriented (: so it all makes sense.)

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Money really isn’t everything although at times it feels that it is the only thing.

My goal from now until the day I launch, September 5th, is to spend quality time with family. I’ve noticed how many family outings, parties, dinners and birthday parties I have missed out on because I chose to work instead. There is nothing more valuable than those hilarious, crazy memories with family. 

All in all, take chances & BE BOLD. place yourself in uncomfortable places. Make changes in your life. Build untouchable relationships. Make unforgettable memories. And most importantly, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Love always,

<3 P

(p.s. txt me or comment below if u read this, I want YOUR feedback about my blogs, what you want to hear about, how I can make them better… anything!!!) 

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