
Welcome to my life, thoughts & inspiration!

What I’m least looking forward to leaving in Guatemala is my host family.

Since day one, we were welcomed into a loving home that immediately felt like family. The Guaran’s have cultivated a safe space where shoulders can drop, there’s no walls up & you can simply be yourself. I’ve grown a lot closer to our host family than I ever expected to the point where my nick name is now “Gringa Hija” or “Payton Guaran”. Shoutout to the family who has housed, fed, cared & laughed with us for countless hours.

Mamá or Erika

You’ve brought me a lot of joy on days that I needed to be reminded what life is all about. You’ve hugged me, taught me how to make your favorite dishes, brought me to your family parties, braided my hair, laughed at who knows what with me, took care of me when I was sick or just craving something special, took me to your church & called me perezosa (lazy) every morning I came home from the gym. You’re hilarious & unique in so many ways with a strong desire to praise the Lord through everything. You’re a very hard working woman & care deeply for everyone you encounter. Thank you Mamá. Te quiero mucho!!!


Papá or Eddy

I don’t know anyone who keeps themself as busy as you between working at your coffee farm to serving in your church to meet any & every need while being a support to ministries in your community. You are the perfect example of Matthew 6:3-4 which reads, “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” You’ve taught me what it looks like to live a life of humility through devotion to the Lord. I will miss our English lessons, seeing you show up randomly at ministry, watching you cut things down in the yard from my room window & hearing you tell me to “SIT” with you while your family is having dinner in the kitchen. Thank you for providing for us!!!


Hermana or Carolina

CAROOOO!! You became my sister so quickly, I’m grateful for the way we clicked in our interests & humor. I will never forget waking up at 4:45am to go to the gym with you every morning. Thanks for making every moment enjoyable like walking up 300 stairs & running to the store to buy colored paper. You’re a very selfless person who expects nothing in return & I’m always encouraged by your joy & jokes. I will be back so we can laugh more until we cry 🙂


Hermano or Eddy

My buff brother!! I can replay the sound of your “holaaaaa” & laugh after everything you say. I think we talked about the gym, homework & protein shakes more than anything but I appreciated every moment because it helped me feel like I was at home with my little brother! Whenever you were around it was easy to get a good laugh in. I’ll miss you!!!

I love these people & wish blessing upon blessing for them.

With love,

Hija Guaran

3 responses to “Shoutout to my fam.”

  1. Payton! So good to get to know your Guatemalan family. The Lord blessed you and them together- sounds like Kingdom living! Thank you for this sweet window into your time home life. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity.” Ps 133:1

  2. You left an indelible mark on your host family and on Guatemala, and they left an indelible mark on you. What a great start to your Race!

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